
designer_replica Longines L4.774.4.52.6 watch a missionary

designer_replica Longines L4.774.4.52.6 watch The first appearance of a cross in Christian art is on a Vatican sarcophagus from the 5th Century. It was a Greek cross with equal length arms. The body of Christ was not shown. The first crucifixion scenes didnt appear in Christian art until the 7th century. Because the cross is so simply formed, it has been both a religious symbol as well as an ornament of sorts from the beginning of man civilization. Even before the Christina era, cross symbols were found in many different designs in all parts of the world.Both the Christian cross and the crucifix are great conversation starters to share your faith. Most people like crosses and crucifixes as *** but elegant pieces of jewelry regardless of religious affiliation. However, if you are a Christian it is a good opportunity to tell people about Christ and how his presence in your life has changed your life. This is a great way to share your faith with someone since it your own personal testimony that is unique and special as we all have a different story to tell. One of my favorite pieces of jewelry is a silver crucifix cross that I bought while being a missionary in Mexico. designer_replica Longines L4.774.4.52.6 watch reminds me of my faith and how proud I am to come from both a strong Christian background from my father side here in the States, and a strong Catholic background from my mother side in Mexico. Christ has defined my life and I love to wear both Crucifixes and crosses whenever I have the chance.My name is Justin Jording and I have been a missionary all over the world with an organization called Youth With A Mission. I have decided to start my own on-line Christian Jewelry business to help support myself as a missionary. Check out jjchristianjewelry.com and be sure to tell your friends and family too designer_replica Longines L4.774.4.52.6 watch!